The Brewery Goes 3D

January 4, 2015

We left off in our November edition where we were knee deep in zoning and regulatory bureaucracy with Arlington County for a brewery space. Special thanks to our fearless architect for all her hard efforts!

We are excited to be moving to our second round of plan review. Arlington Inspection services has been graciously working with us to refine our plans. We look forward to getting under way!

The Brewery Goes 3D!

When I was a kid I remember the model train, or the model car or plane, but what about a brewery? That’s right, the brewery is going 3D.

This isn’t a model in the traditional sense, but we’ve built our own model to help us understand how the brewery will operate. And hey… it looks cool right? We’re working on a video of the model for the January 10th event so you can see how the brewery will be constructed and view the tasting room.

As it turns out, doing something of this scale requires immense planning. As we left off last issue, we are working to setup a pilot brewery which will be part of an initial effort to bring beer to the Shirlington community.

As usual, thanks for all the support! Cheers!

-Mike Katrivanos